
Great People Deliver Great Work

Individually Great

What is the primary asset of all management consultancies? People. And how they distinguish themselves through their core values.

Curiosity keeps us hungry for the intellectual frontier. We best serve our clients by leveraging the latest thinking, approaches, and technologies to solve their problems.

Grit pushes us to see it through to the end.  Getting the work done correctly, on time, and on budget are only the first steps. For any problem, the last 10% is the hardest to see through and has the most value for our clients. Having the grit to see problems through to execution, and live with the results of those problems, puts us in a position to provide real value.

Heart shows we care from the inside out.  A person’s true character is revealed from the inside out:  someone who cares for his family is more likely to care about his colleagues and customers. We believe supporting all our relationships, whether it means flexing with our colleagues for work-life balance, or finding a way to help our clients out, whatever their situation.

Together Strong: A Company Built on Relationships

All this is contingent on our ability to attract and retain such talent to work alongside our clients.

By nurturing the relationships we have with our members, we encourage them to stay and help our clients.  In turn, we learn from each project with our clients and create learning opportunities for our members.

This positive feedback loop fosters great people doing great work, such that together we advance.

“It’s not ‘the Company’ I want to work with – I want to work with you and your team.”

  • [1] Senior Director, New Product Planning
  • Drawing by Adam Hadjinian
  • Home page photos by: